EntityKeeper Blog

Tips on Boosting Client Experience in 2020

Written by Entity Keeper Compliance Team | Oct 24, 2019 1:25:43 PM

It is estimated that by 2020, customer experience will be the most important differentiator between brands, overtaking both price and products. This certainly makes the customer experience a major focus for any business looking forward. We have listed 3 tips to take with you into 2020 to help boost client experience in your company.

  1. Know your ideal customer

Profile your ideal prospect and customer. Having an idea of who your customer is and their needs will help in being able to understand their problems and what they need. In doing this, you can connect with the customer and speak to their problem areas right away, making them feel comfortable in selecting your service. Profiles will also help you in deciphering who isn't a good fit, saving you the hassle in potential "problem clients" who will have a bad experience. When going through the steps of knowing your ideal customer, do your research in learning the persona and user story. 


  1. Personalization
Hit home with your customers by personalizing their journey. Most companies do not put themselves in their customers' shoes and gain the perspective of the individual customer. Learn more about your client and build a relationship so you can give them better support and provide an experience based on their needs. Start with identifying customers’ preferences and interests and tracking those in your CRM. Understand how they prefer to communicate and where they spend most of their time. Taking these steps, in the beginning, will help tailor a unique experience for your customers and give you the ability to automate with greater precision.


      3. Create your customer experience

Work to make sure that there is communication and consistency across departments so that no customer is lost at any stage in the funnel - from marketing to sales to onboarding a customer success manager. You want to make sure their experience is nothing short of pleasant to start building customer loyalty immediately. Give them a 1 to 1 journey, making the client feel as though their business is valued and not just "one more client" mentality. When the client gives feedback or input, take them seriously, and reassure they are being heard.


  1. Be Agile

Think of the customer’s experience as a never-ending process. Have a plan and purpose for the entire road they may be on, making sure it is flexible and seamless. You need to constantly fine-tune the process and may have to make changes along the way, depending on the customer. Some customers may reach out by phone, help desk, social media – keep your channels unified.


  1. Convenience to Service

Allow your service to be at your client’s fingertips anytime they need it. Think of their experience both online and offline – is it frictionless? Is it easy?

Mobile usage continues to grow, therefore giving your customers a simple way to navigate via mobile device is crucial in their experience.


       6. Appreciation

Let your customers know that you appreciate their business. There are multiple ways in doing so, while written notes can go a long way, so do other gestures. Some companies resort to dinners, cocktail hours, outings, or a small gift. It's not just something you do during the holiday season; this could be done anytime during the year. If a customer gives you a review or feedback on your product, send them a nice note, thanking them. When choosing a client gift, make sure you keep it personal by not plastering your logo all over it. It makes the person receiving the gift feel like it is actually for them and not just a way for you to market your company. Also, when it comes to picking out the gift, make sure to keep gifts in proportion to how much the client's company spends with you.


At the end of the day, when it comes to customer experience, use the golden rule, treat others the way you want to be treated. While you can't always control the customer, you can at least control how your company handles the customer. The experience you give and the relationship you are able to build will surely set you apart from your competition.